Invasive Species Council of Manitoba

Alliaria petiolata

A biennial plant and native to Europe, Garlic Mustard was introduced to North America for medicinal and culinary purposes. Young leaves smell like Garlic when crushed and is unpalatable to herbivores.

Garlic Mustard is shade tolerant and prefers less acidic, moist soils of riparian woodlands, disturbed soils are most susceptible to rapid colonization.

There is 1-2 stems per plant that grow 30-90 cm tall. The leaves are coarsely toothed and heart shaped. Flowers cluster at the top of the stem and have 4 white petals. Garlic Mustard reproduces by seed only and they remain viable for 5 years.

Information provided by the Alberta Invasive Plant Council

Photos provided by E-Flora BC



Alberta Invasive Plant Council Fact Sheet


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