Invasive Species Council of Manitoba

Convolvulus arvensis

Aka Wild/Perennial Morning Glory

Field Bindweed is a long lived perennial vine capable of re-sprouting from its extensive root system. It forms a deep tap root and lateral roots that can extend 60 m or more. It is drought tolerant and prefers dry - moist soils.

The stem either climbs over other plants to reach the sun (it is not shade tolerant) shading out other plant or it forms dense mats. Leaves are arrowhead in shape and flowers are white or pink

and funnel shaped.

Field Bindweed requires disturbance to establish itself making it a serious problem for crops. Buried seeds can remain viable for decades which makes eradication difficult.

Information provided by Alberta Invasive Plant Council




2011 Rural Municipality Distribution Map

2010 Rural Municipality Distribution Map

Field Bindweed MWSA 2009 Survey Map

Alberta Invasive Plant Council Fact Sheet


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