Tanacetum vulgare
Common Tansy can grow to be 1.5 - 2m tall and spreads mainly through seeds, which are able to germinate for up to 25 years!
Common Tansy is native to Europe. It is an aromatic perennial, introduced to North America in the early 1600's for medicinal and horticultural purposes.
Common Tansy is classified as a noxious weed in Manitoba.
Common Tansy can reduce productivityof pastures for livestock and threatens the ecological health of areas. It contains several toxic compounds which pose a health risk for animals and humans if eaten or absorbed through the skin.
Where to Look
Currently it is widespread across western Canada in pastures, roadsides, river banks, abandoned fields and natural areas.
Leaves: Deeply divided and fern-like leaves. Strongly aromatic when crushed.
Flowers: Produces numerous button-shaped bright yellow flowers in dense clusters at the top of the plant.
Roots: This plant can spread through its extensive root system.
Photo Credits: Steve Dewey, Utah State University, www.forestryimages.org (from www.invasive.org).
Small infestations can be dug up, for larger infestations it all depends on the land use. Make sure to follow up on treated area and watch for re-growth!
2011 Rural Municipality Distribution Map
2010 Rural Municipality Distribution Map
Common Tansy MWSA 2009 Survey Map
Best Management Practices 2010
Alberta Invasive Plant Council Fact Sheet
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