(Arctium minus)
Common Names: Bardane, Beggar's Button, Lesser Burdock, Wild Rhubarb, Cockle Button, Hurr-burr.
Common Burdock is native to Europe and came to North America via an accidental introduction. It was first reported in North America in 1638.
Physical Description
General: A tall biennial herb. Stems are erect, coarse,branched and thick, have a reddish tinge and may be grooved or angular. It can grow 1-2 m (3-6') tall.
Leaves: First year plants form large rosettes, then a stout flowering stalk is formed in the second year. Leaves are large, heart-shaped, and very hairy on the undersides, lower leaves up to 50 cm (18") long. Stalk leaves are alternate and broadest at the base of the stalk. Leaf edges are wavy or toothed.
Flowers and fruit: Flowers are pink to purple and borne in short-stalked clusters along the stems. Spiny, hooked modified leaves surround the florets. Flower heads are 20-25mm (¾-1") wide, blooms July to October. Fruit is a round, bristly,10-20 mm (1/2-¾") wide clinging burr.
Photos: [A] A plant in its second year with a flower stalk. [B] A close up of the flowers. [C] A close up of the leaf. [D] The basal rosette of a young Burdock plant.
Photos: [A] [B] [C] M.E. Hart Harte, Bugwood.org [D] J. Dupont, Manitoba Naturalists Society.
Burrs can bother and lower the health and market value of livestock. Its large leaves can shade out smaller plants. It also acts as a secondary host for pathogens that affect economically important plants.
Burdock is widespread in Manitoba. Prevent new invasions by ensuring burrs are not attached to clothes, pets and vehicles when leaving infested areas.
Did you know?
The clinging burs of Common Burdock were the inspiration for Velcro.
2011 Rural Municipality Distribution Map
2010 Rural Municipality Distribution Map
Common Burdock MWSA 2009 Survey Map
Common Burdock ISCM Fact Sheet
Alberta Invasive Plant Council Fact Sheet
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